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“When Will an AWS Data Center Arrive in Vietnam?”

 Amazon Web Service (AWS), the leader in Vietnam’s cloud market, has been closely working with the Vietnamese government to encourage major corporations to adopt AWS global clouds. 

Nevertheless, AWS, as well as international cloud platforms like GCP (Google Cloud Platform), Microsoft Azure, and Alibaba still have their servers located abroad, failing to meet government regulations (drafted amendment to Decree 72 of the Law on Cybersecurity) regarding domestic data storage. 

Even though other key foreign cloud companies criticize Vietnam’s banning of international data transfer, AWS says it’s willing to comply with government regulations on the cloud business in all countries in order to protect customers’ data. (AWS Singapore Priya Lakshmi)

However, for a CSP (Cloud Service Provider) to construct a data center, they need to invest billions of dollars and obtain government permission, licenses, and so forth by working with interested parties. 

There are also many other issues, including Vietnam’s demand for cloud services and providing stable connections in the country and abroad. 

Despite the growing demand for cloud services in Vietnam, the country has relatively few users of public clouds compared to others. This can be attributed to a lack of B2C traffic due to media conglomerates like Netflix, socialist regulations restricting data ownership, and unstable international networks. Consequently, no companies, including AWS, have officially announced a plan to build a data center for public clouds in the region.

However, to keep up with Vietnamese companies’ growing demand for cloud services, AWS Vietnam is working on temporary measures such as launching relatively small-sized AWS Local Zones, AWS Outpost Private Cloud, which can be run directly by companies, and lastly, AWS Edge Location, a service that speeds up data transfers. 

AWS Local Zones to be Launched in Vietnam by 2024

Despite the uncertainty of data center construction, AWS is set to launch AWS Local Zones in Vietnam by 2024. These zones are smaller versions of AWS data centers (regions) that still provide key AWS services. Among the various services offered by AWS Local Zones, the following will be made available in Hanoi, Vietnam with the 2024 launch. 

AWS Local Zone services to be introduced in Vietnam in 2024(Source: TechValley)

 In 2024, AWS Local Zones will start services based in Hanoi, with their physical hardware (servers, networks, storage, etc.) installed in the data centers of Viettel, VNPT, and CMC. 

Data centers in Hanoi that will accommodate AWS Local Zones(Source:  TechValley)

An update will be given once the launch date and pricing are confirmed. 

Private Cloud Environments Constructed by AWS Outposts

 AWS Outposts allows companies to build and manage servers, databases, networks, and storage in their own computer room or contracted IDC in a cloud environment similar to AWS. AWS Outposts offers the following key AWS cloud services. 

Key services of AWS Outposts(Source:  TechValley)

AWS Outposts’ main clients, financial and medical institutions, adopt its private clouds because they cannot store international data in cloud environments. As of February 2024, AWS Outposts is also being used in Vietnam by securities firms and global game companies that require ultra-low latency. 
Click on the link below to read the original article.


Vietnam IT Blogger | Doyeon (Patrick) Kim | go2hanoi (KakaoTalk),

** The copyright for this post is owned by Patrick Kim. This content is intended for publication, and individuals seeking to quote or reproduce it must obtain prior permission.

 Feb. 21,2024・Translated and Published by Uptempo Global 


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